
Top 5 Global Life Science Leader Re-Invents Business as Products


Client’s Vision:

“As digital products become the engines of business growth, we want to create a culture of products, something the new Enterprise Product Platform (EPP)* team will catalyze.”

This vision gave birth to the:

Enterprise Product Platform (EPP) Team with the mandate to develop and manage Agile and compliant product lifecycle processes, tools, and roles.


  • Product Platform Blueprint: In 2017, the Client studied the industry’s best practices and created an end-state blueprint for the product management platform, encompassing the product life cycle process, tools, and roles.
  • From the Drawing Board to Action: From the blueprint, a roadmap was created to build out the platform progressively. Starting with establishing a private cloud in AWS, the roadmap progressively digitized the product lifecycle process using tools such as Atlassian JIRA, Confluence, BitBucket, Jenkins, and CROWD.
  • End-user Empowerment: As the EPP blueprint was progressively built out, end-users were trained, onboarded, and supported for using the stable and validated portions of the EPP.
  • Agile Releases: Since the first release of EPP in 2018, Client and Archimedis Digital teams have been working together on incremental evolution of the EPP following Agile releases in compliance with life sciences regulations.

Client-Archimedis Partnership:

  • Services Provided: 
    • Business Analysis and
      Computerized Systems
      Validation (CSV)
    • Helpdesk Support and End-user Training for EPP Tools such as JIRA, Confluence, Bit Bucket, Jenkins and CROWD
    • Testing and Test Automation using Selenium and Robot
  •  Product Built:
    • Self-Service Portal for automated access provisioning to EPP Tools. Built using Java, React JS, PostGreSQL.


  • Over $2M Annual Saving: The products and Services delivered by Archimedis Digital save over USD 2M per annum in license and operational costs.
  • 500+ Helpdesk Tickets / Year: Across EPP, Archimedis Digital resolves 5000+ helpdesk tickets, resulting in higher user satisfaction and ~40% cost savings.
  • 10X Growth in 5 years: Starting with a handful of products, EPP adoption has grown nearly 10X in 5 years, and so has the team size of Archimedis digital.
  • 95% Service Penetration: Globally, 80% of the client product teams are using EPP and Archimedis Digital serves about 95% of their strategic and operational needs.

“EPP is a great launchpad for quick product experiments and releases.”

Client Product leader

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